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Our Donors and Sponsors
Callie & Rajan Ahuja
Peggy & Avinash Ahuja
Adair Apple
Anima Mundi Fund
Dianne Berman
Phyllis and George Finley
Deborah Greer
Honorable & Mrs. Todd Hunter
Lynda Jones
Janet Laylor
Heather Locke
Robert Coy and Omar Lopez
Estate of Tony Magar
Kenton McDonald
Patrick Millegan
The Honorable & Mrs. Robert Pate
Sherry Rizzo
Neiland Sammons
Vincent Scheerer
Tinker Trombley
Carolyn and Lawrence Young
Angela Michelle Birmingham
Art Association of Corpus Christi
Artistry by Elisa
Elizabeth Cook
Ester Cox
Anita Diebel Studio
Paul Dodson
Audrey Eden
Monica Ellison
Aloe Tile-Ed & Cornelia Gates
Robert & Jill Harris
Donald Hazlitt
Louis Katz
Dennis Kemmerer & Rhonda Mitchell
Tami Longino
Patrick McGowan
Sara Morgan
Rockport Center for the Arts
Hayford Osei
Luis Puron
Richard Ricard
Barbra Riley
Julie & Barry Rogers
Ken and Jackie Rosier
Clay Reuter
Greg Reuter
South Texas Art League
Amy Sullivan
Cheryl Votzmeyer
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