Submit Your Work
Submit your work to be considered for exhibition at K Space Contemporary! Our Exhibition Committee reviews portfolio submissions each year to select solo and small group exhibitions. We are looking for original, innovative, engaging works of art not previously exhibited at K Space Contemporary.
Open to Texas Artists, especially those who live in or have strong ties to the Texas Coastal Bend or South Texas.
Must be at least 18 years old to apply
All media accepted, including site-specific works / installations.
We accept submissions year-round; however, our portfolio review is held only once a year in early spring.
Artists may submit one application each year.
There is no cost to apply.
Digital Portfolios Only - submit your website, or a link to a Drive or Dropbox folder. See required materials for your Digital Portfolio below. ​
Exhibitions are scheduled 6 to 18 months in advance and run 4-7 weeks
Artists are responsible for delivery / shipment of artwork. Click the "What to Expect" button below for exhibition details and responsibilities.
We do not review artwork on a “walk-in” basis. Please follow the application directions, so our committee can properly assess your work.
NOTE: We contact artists only after the review has been conducted, therefore, it is a long wait if you apply shortly after a review. For example, if you apply in April and our review was done the month before, we will not conduct another review until the following February or March, 10-12 months later.
Before you Submit, click the buttons below to
download further information:
Digital Portfolio Requirements
Images of at least 10 different works of art​
Artist Statement
Resume / CV
Proposal - 1 page describing your exhibition plans
Contact Information: email address, phone number, address of your current residence
Digital Portfolios
Artist's Website​
Link to a Dropbox, Google Drive Folder or other online folder containing the documents listed under the Digital Portfolio Requirements.
Will Accept:
Instagram Account that shows only your artwork.
Facebook Album with only the works of art you propose to exhibit. Please link to the album only - not to your Facebook page.